
Fundraising is essential for the library to operate, grow and thrive. There are many ways to support the library and ensure its future and vitality. 

Please watch this website for upcoming Events; see our Events page.

Please consider making a bequest to the library. More information is available—simply ask for our bequest packet. You may also leave a message for the trustees at the front desk or call (207) 439-9437.

Please consider becoming a library People are the Pillars of Our Support Partner. An information packet is available at the front desk or call the library. 

Pledges are a wonderful way to support the library and you can pledge any amount from $10 to $100 on a monthly basis.

Visit our Amazon Wish List to purchase specific items requested by the library.

Gifts are always welcome and can be for specific needs, to support our endowment or our expansion. The William Fogg Library is a 501c3 and gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please speak with the trustees about giving opportunities. 

Support the library. Give Today.